Flowers by Hana

Flowers by Hana
Fun with Flowers 1

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chapter 2

It is Spring and the wind is whipping around the city of Jerusalem so that I feel like I am about to run away.           THIS DAY , I GO TO SEE MY FAMILY where they are cleaning for PASSOVER. i REMEM BER MY MOTHER DID -SPRING CLEANING AND EVEN CLEANED THE WALLPAPER IN THE DINING ROOM.  The house was completely upset for the month before the holiday.  I tried to stay out of her way.  I just did my room, either upstairs or behind the dining room. I always had so much stuff.  When we had guests some of them ate in my room, I found cookies and cups under my bed.  Then for the BIG NIGHTS          The Kesslers had 4  complete Saders on the first ,second, and the last two nights, Ida and I usually fell asleep
It was difficult to understand our family.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! 4 seders, so you really felt like you left Egypt four times! Here in Israel we only do one seder! The kids really have to pay attention and to sing the 4 questions correctly the first time!
